Cooperative storytelling games are a fun, inviting way to explore fantastic scenarios, stimulate creativity and imagination, and to engage in a type of story-building that encourages empathy and explores other people's points of view.
In cooperative storytelling games, participants work together to design worlds, create characters to play, and collaboratively tell the stories of those characters' adventures. Storytelling games use pen and paper, and some games use props like miniatures and maps, but most of what it takes is simply your imagination.
Cooperative storytelling games offer many benefits to children and adolescents. Players engage in long-term social cooperation, developing skills for collaborative storytelling, resource management, risk-reward analysis, and social problem solving. Playing the role of the character they create also boosts self-esteem and confidence, by giving players the agency and autonomy to make decisions and come up with creative solutions to challenges, both on the spot and over the long term.
These types of games provide unique opportunities for children to experience the rewarding challenge of coming up with their own goals, and exploring how to plan and implement the achievement of those goals.
In our After School Club, participants design the world of the story entirely themselves. They populate it with their own ideas, build their characters (through which they experiment with their own identities and ideologies), and collaboratively create an innovative and meaningful story together over the course of the semester's twelve weeks.
Long-term participants in our program develop strong personal agency and advocacy, discover and confront their explicit and implicit biases, grow their self-confidence, and form strong bonds of shared experience with their peers.
E-mail money transfers can be sent to us at our primary email address (;
Cheques should be made out to 'Game Masters Table'; and
Cash payments should be delivered in a sealed envelope, clearly labelled with the participant's full name
After school clubs are
Ages: 8+ (we try to keep age groups to 8-10, 11-13, and 13+)
Length: After school sessions are held once per week from 4:00pm-6:00pm, and evening sessions from 6:30pm-8:30pm
We offer three terms per year: fall, winter, & spring.
Cost* (tax included):
FULL YEAR: September 9th - June 20th
Mondays (33 weeks): $1500.00
Tues/Wed/Thursdays (37 weeks): $1700.00
FALL: September 9th - December 13th
Mondays (13 weeks): $630.00 (no club on Thanksgiving Monday, October 14th)
Tues/Wed/Thursdays (14 weeks): $675.00
WINTER: January 6th - March 7th
Mondays (8 weeks): $360.00 (no club on
Family Day, February 17th)
Tues/Wed/Thursdays (9 weeks): $405.00
SPRING: March 17th - June 20th
Mondays (12 weeks): $585.00 (no club on Easter Monday, April 21st, or Victoria Day, May 19th)
Tues/Wed/Thursdays (14 weeks): $675.00
*As part of our accessibility mandate, we offer fees on a sliding scale for families experiencing financial hardship.
Week of January 6th - 10th, 2025
Please be advised: the submission of a registration form is not a guarantee of a spot in our program. We do our best to keep our website up-to-date in terms of schedule availability, but it does not update in real time.