Our COVID-19 Precautions
Last updated: September 9, 2022
In-Person Programming
Our updated COVID-19 precautions for maintaining as low-risk an environment as possible are as follows:
Masks are strongly suggested to be worn while indoors during our programs, but not mandatory. However, if you and/or your child would prefer that everyone in their group be masked during our program, we will make that the requirement for your child's group.
HEPA Filter
We have a HEPA (high-efficiency particle absorbing) air filtration unit for our space. In the warmer months we also keep the windows and/or door open as much as possible to improve air circulation.
For our after school programming, we won’t be allowing food or snacks to be consumed at all. Please ask your children to have their after-school snacks on the way to our space, and to finish before entering.
Food during full-day camps: As much as possible, we will encourage kids to eat their lunches at the park (weather permitting). However, they will also be permitted to eat their lunches in the separate downstairs space.
Vaccine Mandate
We do require all participants to be fully vaccinated (according to their eligibility) in order to participate in our programs. We make an exception for medical exemptions to vaccination, provided that the rest of the participant's household is fully vaccinated.
For transparency, we are both 3-dose vaccinated (our kids are still too young to be eligible).
Previous Policies We’re Maintaining
capping participation at 6 kids per program to limit exposure
all participants should self-screen before coming to our program every day, and if they, or anyone in their household, have any cold or flu symptoms, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND THE PROGRAM and email us to let us know as soon as possible
please notify us by email as soon as possible if your child has a close-contact COVID exposure
sanitizing or washing hands thoroughly with soap upon entering the space
sanitizing surfaces between programs
Online Programming
We are now capable of offering our programming in a fully online format upon request, using the text- and voice-communication platform Discord, on which we have developed a very robust online community.
Switching Fluidly Between In-Person and Online
Our programs have the fairly unique capability to switch fluidly back and forth between in-person and online formats, as provincial measures and public health recommendations fluctuate. Whenever it is acceptably safe to do so, we maintain our in-person programming, but when heavier restrictions are in place (or at parents' and families' discretion for whatever reason), we can instantly adapt our programs to switch to an online format.
This allows us to offer a continuous week-to-week experience for the kids in our programs, without disrupting their schedules, while maintaining health and safety measures as recommended by the province and the city.